PRINTS & POSTERS Numbered – only a limited number of these paintings will be printed Prints of Hand Painted Originals Acrylic Painting PrintColossians 3:12 Acrylic Painting PrintHilton Head Island, SC Acrylic Painting PrintA Strong Tower – Proverbs 18:10 Acrylic Painting PrintA House is Built – Proverbs 24:3-4 Acrylic Painting PrintMatthew 6: 30b in Brown Acrylic Painting PrintMatthew 6:30b in Teal Acrylic, Dutch Pour, Abstract Painting Print“No Pit So Deep God is Not Deeper Still”quote by Corrie Ten Boom Acrylic, Dutch Pour, Abstract Painting Print“The Goodness of God Chases Us Down” Acrylic Dutch Pour, Abstract Painting Print“The Wind and Waves Still Know His Name” Digitally Painted Digital PaintingFarm in Maryland Sayings Printed PosterIt Is What It Is Printed PosterWinnie the Pooh QuoteBraver, Stronger, Loved Printed PosterWinnie the Pooh QuoteBraver, Stronger, Loved Printed PosterProverbs 31:25 Printed PosterWhen She Sleeps Printed PosterThough She Be But Little Printed PosterShe Leaves A Little Sparkle Printed PosterProverbs 31:25